While Brenda was away in Germany with her daughter, I took Ruby to the show in Las Vegas. This was Ruby's first recognized show. She behaved like an old timer, earning solid scores for her debut: 60.4(despite a miscue in the first canter depart and a spook at some flowers waving in the breeze) on Training Test 3, 62.8, & 61.2, both on Training Test 4. Ruby is staying with me for the month, while Brenda is away, and so that she can prepare for the Utah Summer Games June 12.
On Lightness and Harmony
If the rider's aids are precise and well-timed(QUICK), there is no need for strength. That is the lightness we're seeking: a precise...
http://www.sustainabledressage.net/collection/false_collection.php#relative I would like to highly recommend this article in particular, an...
I have not updated in quite some time, not because there has been no news to report, but mostly because I have just been very involved with ...
Frisco Bay at Four Years, Developing the Passage “I can smell the piaffe.”…If you imagine these words spoken in a heavy Spanish acce...