The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the ladder of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As yet, no shortcut has been discovered. ~Joseph L. Lamb

Monday, June 15, 2009

Brenda & Ruby Are Adult Amateur Reserve High Point at Utah Summer Games!
Brenda and Ruby did very well at the Utah Summer Games under Judge Thann Hanchett, earning a 60+%, and a 64+%, on Training Level Tests 3 & 4, good enough to be the Reserve Amateur High Point. Ruby is proving herself to be a wonderful, reliable, happy show partner at a very young age.

Jennifer Campos and Brendijs, a Latvian Warmblood, also earned very good scores, in the low 60s, on Training Level Tests 2 & 3. This is a fairly new partnership, and Brendijs has a very special life story that instantly won Jenny's heart. He won my heart as well, the minute I sat on him. I'm so glad the two of them are together. Here are links to their videos.

Karen Martz and Tanner turned heads too! They are a gorgeous pair in their show garb. Karen has now officially joined the ranks of the horse show gang and we are thrilled to have her. Karen rode in a locally popular class called Cowboy Dressage...when in Rome!! They rode Training Level Test 1 and Tanner was a very good boy. Karen is thrilled to have progressed so far in the last couple of years, and I could not be more proud of her. I do believe she's also caught the show bug!
Now, not only did Tanner perform like a good boy for Karen, but he was then recruited by me to help catch his barn mate & next door neighbor, who had escaped at the show. I honestly do not think things would have ended so well had Tanner not been willing to march up into the woods to find his friend. Bella came right to him, and he helped her calm down enough to let herself be caught. I can't thank Karen enough for turning his reins over to me and trusting me to bring him back in one piece.

On Lightness and Harmony

If the rider's aids are precise and well-timed(QUICK), there is no need for strength. That is the lightness we're seeking: a precise...