The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the ladder of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As yet, no shortcut has been discovered. ~Joseph L. Lamb

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Video Clips from my most recent lesson with Shelley

If your pony tail isn't flying, you aren't cantering!! I told one of my students this once. So I thought it would be fun to share these pictures and video clips from my latest lesson with Shelley. My pony tail was definitely flying! I was lucky enough to have my friend Cathy Deane available to record it. I got a kick out of how expressive Shelley was having to be to get me to ride more boldly. Some of this work went really well, so I've saved these videos as a reminder later when I'm riding on my own again. Here are links to a couple of video clips.

On Lightness and Harmony

If the rider's aids are precise and well-timed(QUICK), there is no need for strength. That is the lightness we're seeking: a precise...