The road to success leads through the valley of humility, and the path is up the ladder of patience and across the wide barren plains of perseverance. As yet, no shortcut has been discovered. ~Joseph L. Lamb

Saturday, November 7, 2020

To Every Thing, There Is a Season


I am pleased to announce that effective December 1, 2020, I will be relocating my services to the beautiful Las Campanas Equestrian Club located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

I have long dreamed of residing in this historic, artsy, outdoorsy, beautiful city...long dreamed of smelling that distinctive smell of mesquite wood burning in resident fireplaces each and every winter day. Santa Fe is positioned at a crisp 7000' elevation, with the Sangre de Cristo and Jemez Mountains as a backdrop. The city is both the oldest and the highest elevation, state capital city in the United States, and is home of the oldest church in the country. It is the terminus of the Turquoise Trail, and is located at the southern tip of the Rocky Mountains. It is an ancient trade route cross road, dating back centuries.

The stars aligned, and the timing is kismet. 

Utah provided me the opportunity to develop my skill set, along with wonderful mentors and experiences I will cherish. I will miss the red cliffs and blue sky backdrop. I will miss my friends here. I have never lived anywhere longer in my entire life-nearly fourteen years. I decided to rename my program Dressage Elevated as a direct nod to both the Utah logo, Life Elevated, and the high elevation of Santa Fe. 

There is a season for all things, and it is time to strike off on a new adventure, while I still have the nerve!

On Lightness and Harmony

If the rider's aids are precise and well-timed(QUICK), there is no need for strength. That is the lightness we're seeking: a precise...